Cleanse Program


Designed to gently remove toxins, normalize digestion,help regulate hormones, and supports liver function. This Nutritional Cleanse is a gentle release program initiated by flooding your body with plant-nutrients.

Complete with supplement pack to maximize benefits.

***For best results continue a plant-based solid food diet for an additional 3-day period.


  •  2 0z. Pre-Cleanse: (Lemon, Ginger)
  •  Simply Green (Spinach, Celery, Cucumber, Apple, Ginger)
  •  C-Squared (Carrot, Celery, Apple)
  •  Sweet Beets (Beets,Carrots, Cucumber)
  • Moringa Supplement Pack: Take 1 capsule by mouth or pop open and stir into juice, tea or water as preferred.



Once you receive your delivery, refrigerate immediately to ensure juices remain fresh for up to four days. Discard any unused bottles after four days.

  •  Consume 1/2 gallon of Water daily

Pre-Cleanse: 20z. Ginger/Turmeric Lemon Shot Dilute into 8oz of Warm Water (Optional)

  • Simply Green (3) 16 oz
  • C-Squared (3) 16 oz
  • Sweet Beets (3) 16 oz

During this time, you may experience some (or none) mental/ physical discomfort, hunger, fatigue, irritability, loose stool, frequent urination, constipation, headache, or breakouts. Observe your body’s natural response to this unfamiliarity.

Ease back into your diet with fresh, unprocessed foods for at least three days. Many people find this a natural time to release some unhealthy habits.

Continue to drink a 1/2 gallon of Water daily.